F35-B Pack
F35-B Pack
  • F35-B
  • Thông tin
    Stealth multi-role fighters of the fifth generation made in the USA. Can stop in mid-air.
    ₫2,450,000 ₫4,622,641.51
    GIẢM GIÁ 47%
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    J-35 Pack
    J-35 Pack
  • J-35
  • Thông tin
    Chinese prototype of the fifth-generation stealth multirole fighter. It has outstanding flight characteristics and a large range of weapons used, which are hidden in the internal compartments of the aircraft.
    ₫2,250,000 ₫5,487,804.88
    GIẢM GIÁ 59%
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    WZ-10 Pack
    WZ-10 Pack
  • WZ-10
  • Thông tin
    Chinese attack helicopter with tandem cockpit. It has balanced speed, maneuverability and combat potential.
    ₫2,250,000 ₫4,500,000
    GIẢM GIÁ 50%
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    F-22 Pack
    F-22 Pack
  • F-22
  • Thông tin
    The U.S. fifth-generation low-observable multirole fighter, whose design meets the criteria of stealth technology. Low radar visibility is ensured due to the low-reflective shape of the airframe, whose surfaces are oriented in several strictly limited directions, as well as due to the use of radio-absorbing materials and coatings.
    ₫1,950,000 ₫5,416,666.67
    GIẢM GIÁ 64%
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    Su-75 Checkmate Pack
    Su-75 Checkmate Pack
    Su-75 Checkmate
  • Su-75 Checkmate
  • Thông tin
    Light tactical aircraft project of the Russian fifth-generation low-observable multirole fighter. The aircraft allows different configuration of onboard electronic equipment. It has outstanding maneuvering characteristics due to a single engine with a controlled thrust vector. All armament of the aircraft is hidden in compartments ensuring its low visibility.
    ₫1,950,000 ₫4,875,000
    GIẢM GIÁ 60%
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    Mi-28 NM Pack
    Mi-28 NM Pack
    Mi-28 NM
  • Mi-28 NM
  • Thông tin
    The Russian flying tank is designed to destroy any ground targets, even with heavy armor, and has good armor.
    ₫1,950,000 ₫4,333,333.33
    GIẢM GIÁ 55%
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    AH-84 Pack
    AH-84 Pack
  • AH-84
  • Thông tin
    A high-speed reconnaissance and attack helicopter that is being developed specifically for the U.S. Army's FARA program. It will be able to travel at cruising speeds of up to 330 kilometers per hour and will have a wing that generates up to 50 percent of the lifting force when flying at cruising speed. The helicopter will be armed with a 20-millimeter cannon, missiles, bombs and containers with various weapons.
    ₫1,950,000 ₫3,545,454.55
    GIẢM GIÁ 45%
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    A-10A Pack
    A-10A Pack
  • A-10A
  • Thông tin
    An American highly specialized strike aircraft designed specifically for direct fire support missions against ground forces. Its high payload and advanced electronics allow it to deliver precision strikes against ground targets, but its extremely modest flight characteristics force it to be used with the utmost caution.
    ₫1,950,000 ₫3,545,454.55
    GIẢM GIÁ 45%
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    J-20 Pack
    J-20 Pack
  • J-20
  • Thông tin
    The modern Chinese fighter is a fifth-generation stealth fighter. The aircraft prioritizes both long-range and close air combat. Therefore, the aircraft carries advanced avionics and numerous weapons in closed compartments, and has a characteristic aerodynamic scheme that increases its maneuverability.
    ₫1,950,000 ₫3,362,068.97
    GIẢM GIÁ 42%
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    BMPT Terminator 2 Pack
    BMPT Terminator 2 Pack
    BMPT Terminator 2
  • BMPT Terminator 2
  • Thông tin
    A tank support vehicle based on the T-72 tank chassis. The new combat vehicle has a high level of protection, firepower and controllability, and differs from its predecessor in that it does not have automatic grenade launchers as part of its armament, which allowed the vehicle's crew to be reduced to three people.
    ₫1,900,000 ₫3,800,000
    GIẢM GIÁ 50%
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    Ka-50 Black Shark Pack
    Ka-50 Black Shark Pack
    Ka-50 Black Shark
    + 3 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • Ka-50 Black Shark
  • 5 000 Gold
  • 7 Days of Premium
  • Thông tin
    Soviet single-seat attack helicopter designed to destroy enemy combat vehicles, fire points and manpower on the battlefield. It has outstanding speed and maneuverability qualities. The helicopter's armament consists of a 30 mm cannon, unguided rockets, aerial bombs, ATGMs and air-to-air missiles.
    ₫1,450,000 ₫4,677,419.35
    GIẢM GIÁ 69%
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    ZTZ96 Pack
    ZTZ96 Pack
    + 4 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • ZTZ96
  • 5 000 Gold
  • 5 000 000 Dollars
  • 30 Days of Premium
  • Thông tin
    The tank is currently one of the main battle tanks of the Chinese Armed Forces. The main differences between the tank and the 85 series are the installation of a more powerful engine, improved weapon system and increased combat weight. The fire control system is equipped with a stabilizer for the main armament and a laser rangefinder.
    ₫1,450,000 ₫4,677,419.35
    GIẢM GIÁ 69%
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    T-90A Pack
    T-90A Pack
    + 3 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • T-90A
  • 5 000 Gold
  • 5 000 000 Dollars
  • Thông tin
    A modernized version of the Soviet T-90 tank with a new 2A46M-5 gun with a new stabilizer, which doubled the aiming speed and improved the accuracy of firing from the move. The former cast turret was replaced by a reinforced welded turret with a 950 mm frontal dimension, which significantly increased its protection.
    ₫1,450,000 ₫4,393,939.39
    GIẢM GIÁ 67%
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    Ka-52M Pack
    Ka-52M Pack
    + 3 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • Ka-52M
  • 2 000 Gold
  • 4 000 000 Dollars
  • Thông tin
    A new generation Russian attack helicopter using a coaxial rotor design. The vehicle fights well against ground and airborne enemies and has very high maneuverability.
    ₫1,450,000 ₫4,393,939.39
    GIẢM GIÁ 67%
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    ADATS Pack
    ADATS Pack
    + 3 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • 2 000 Gold
  • 4 000 000 Dollars
  • Thông tin
    The Air Defense Anti-Tank System, as the name implies, is designed both to destroy aircraft, whether it be airplanes and helicopters, or to destroy enemy ground armored vehicles.
    ₫1,450,000 ₫4,142,857.14
    GIẢM GIÁ 65%
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    T-14 Pack
    T-14 Pack
    + 3 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • T14
  • 2 000 Gold
  • 4 000 000 Dollars
  • Thông tin
    T-14 "Armata" - Russian MBT. A vehicle with a huge combat potential. It can intercept flying ammunitions, this applies to missiles and slow-moving projectiles.
    ₫1,450,000 ₫3,717,948.72
    GIẢM GIÁ 61%
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    Z-19E Pack
    Z-19E Pack
    + 3 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • Z-19E
  • 2 000 Gold
  • 4 000 000 Dollars
  • Thông tin
    Chinese export combat helicopter, developed on the basis of the WZ-19 attack helicopter. Due to the increased use of composite materials, the takeoff weight of the vehicle has been reduced. It is not a very fast but maneuverable helicopter, which in addition can carry a large number of suspended weapons.
    ₫1,450,000 ₫3,717,948.72
    GIẢM GIÁ 61%
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    ZTZ99A Pack
    ZTZ99A Pack
    + 3 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • ZTZ99A
  • 2 000 Gold
  • 4 000 000 Dollars
  • Thông tin
    An improved version of China's ZTZ-99 main battle tank. These improvements include an arrow-shaped turret with markedly improved protection, a more powerful diesel engine and a hydromechanical gearbox. This tank is a symbiosis of the Western and Eastern schools of tank construction.
    ₫1,450,000 ₫3,536,585.37
    GIẢM GIÁ 59%
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    AH-1Z Viper Pack
    AH-1Z Viper Pack
    AH-1Z Viper
    + 3 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • AH-1Z Viper
  • 2 000 Gold
  • 4 000 000 Dollars
  • Thông tin
    American combat helicopter with two engines, developed on the basis of the AH-1W, for the U.S. Marine Corps under the modernization program. The helicopter is equipped with modern military avionics, new weapon systems and electro-optical sensors in weapon systems. The helicopter has improved survivability and is capable of finding targets at long distances and destroying them with precision weapons.
    ₫1,450,000 ₫3,295,454.55
    GIẢM GIÁ 56%
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    PLZ-05 Pack
    PLZ-05 Pack
    + 4 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • PLZ-05
  • 5 000 Gold
  • 5 000 000 Dollars
  • 30 Days of Premium
  • Thông tin
    Chinese self-propelled artillery unit designed and manufactured by the Chinese company Norinco. It is equipped with a 155mm automatic loading system developed on the basis of the Russian Msta-S SAU. It is based on the PLZ45 howitzer, which has undergone a number of improvements.
    ₫1,350,000 ₫5,000,000
    GIẢM GIÁ 73%
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    MBT-70 Pack
    MBT-70 Pack
    + 4 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • MBT-70
  • 3 000 Gold
  • 5 000 000 Dollars
  • 30 Days of Premium
  • Thông tin
    Jointly developed by the U.S. and West Germany, this MBT contained many innovations of its years - a low silhouette with a driver in the turret, combined armor, and even a 152 mm gun combined with a guided missile launcher.
    ₫1,350,000 ₫4,500,000
    GIẢM GIÁ 70%
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    M1A1 Abrams Pack
    M1A1 Abrams Pack
    M1A1 Abrams
    + 4 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • M1A1 Abrams
  • 5 000 Gold
  • 5 000 000 Dollars
  • 30 Days of Premium
  • Thông tin
    The U.S. main battle tank is one of the world's heaviest tanks. It pioneered the use of a number of advanced solutions, including computerized fire control system and separate ammunition storage using bouncer panels.
    ₫1,350,000 ₫4,354,838.71
    GIẢM GIÁ 69%
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    ZTZ85-II Pack
    ZTZ85-II Pack
    + 4 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • ZTZ85-II
  • 5 000 Gold
  • 5 000 000 Dollars
  • 30 Days of Premium
  • Thông tin
    It is the first Chinese tank equipped with a 125 mm smoothbore gun with automatic loading system. The hull and welded turret with a developed aft recess have combined multilayer armor in the frontal projection, which can be supplemented with mounted dynamic protection.
    ₫1,350,000 ₫3,970,588.24
    GIẢM GIÁ 66%
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    T-72A Pack
    T-72A Pack
    + 4 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • T-72A
  • 5 000 Gold
  • 5 000 000 Dollars
  • 30 Days of Premium
  • Thông tin
    Serial modification of the Soviet main battle tank. The tank received a new, more accurate gun and an updated fire control system with a laser rangefinder. Also, the vehicle's protection was strengthened by installing combined armor instead of conventional cast armor.
    ₫1,350,000 ₫3,857,142.86
    GIẢM GIÁ 65%
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    Pantsir S-1 Pack
    Pantsir S-1 Pack
    Pantsir S-1
    + 3 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • Pantsir S-1
  • 1 000 Gold
  • 30 Days of Premium
  • Thông tin
    Russian self-propelled anti-aircraft system designed to protect neighboring forces, equipment and facilities from any type of air attacks. The defense is carried out by automatic guns and guided missiles.
    ₫1,200,000 ₫3,750,000
    GIẢM GIÁ 68%
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    MIG-35 Fulcrum-F Pack
    MIG-35 Fulcrum-F Pack
    MIG-35 Fulcrum-F
  • MIG-35 Fulcrum-F
  • 5 000 Gold
  • Thông tin
    Russian multifunctional light fighter of the 4++ generation, the characteristics of which are as close as possible to the fifth generation. Lightweight and fast.
    ₫819,000 ₫2,925,000
    GIẢM GIÁ 72%
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    J-16 Pack
    J-16 Pack
  • J-16
  • 5 000 Gold
  • Thông tin
    The fighter was developed by China's largest military aircraft manufacturer based on the J-11BS aircraft. It received updated airborne equipment, including a new phased-array radar and infrared targeting system. An important feature of the aircraft is its armament, namely air-to-air missiles.
    ₫819,000 ₫2,824,137.93
    GIẢM GIÁ 71%
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    9A522 Smerch Pack
    9A522 Smerch Pack
    9A522 Smerch
  • 9A522 Smerch
  • Thông tin
    Multiple rocket launcher, allows you to deliver a hail of shells to your desired location. It has the highest firepower with minimal survivability.
    ₫744,000 ₫2,480,000
    GIẢM GIÁ 70%
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    M1128 Stryker Pack
    M1128 Stryker Pack
    M1128 Stryker
  • M1128 Stryker
  • 1 000 Gold
  • Thông tin
    American wheeled combat vehicle with heavy armament, based on the Canadian LAV III armored personnel carrier. Additional armor can be installed.
    ₫744,000 ₫2,480,000
    GIẢM GIÁ 70%
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    T-62 545 Pack
    T-62 545 Pack
    T-62 545
    + 3 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • T-62 545
  • 750 Upgrade Points MK1
  • 100 Upgrade Points MK2
  • Thông tin
    Combat vehicle No. 545, captured by the Chinese in 1969, during the fighting for Damansky Island. The tank was attempted to be destroyed several times to no avail, the vehicle withstood explosions and mortar fire. In the end, the tank sank to the bottom of the river from which it was later retrieved.
    ₫596,000 ₫2,055,172.41
    GIẢM GIÁ 71%
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    M3A3 Bradley Pack
    M3A3 Bradley Pack
    M3A3 Bradley
    + 3 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • M3A3 Bradley
  • 1 000 Gold
  • 30 Days of Premium
  • Thông tin
    The M3A3 Bradley is a digitized version of the M3A2 combat reconnaissance vehicle. It is equipped with modern guidance and reconnaissance equipment, performing well in any conditions.
    ₫596,000 ₫1,986,666.67
    GIẢM GIÁ 70%
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    XM975 Pack
    XM975 Pack
    + 3 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • XM975
  • 1 000 Gold
  • 30 Days of Premium
  • Thông tin
    Mounted on the American M109 chassis, this self-propelled anti-aircraft missile system is designed to engage maneuvering air targets at low and medium altitudes.
    ₫596,000 ₫1,986,666.67
    GIẢM GIÁ 70%
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    2S6M1 Tunguska M-1 Pack
    2S6M1 Tunguska M-1 Pack
    2S6M1 Tunguska M-1
    + 3 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • 2S6M1 Tunguska M-1
  • 1 000 Gold
  • 30 Days of Premium
  • Thông tin
    Designed for the air defense of nearby objects and soldiers, this Soviet SPAAG is highly accurate due to a common radar-optical jamming guidance system for all guns.
    ₫543,000 ₫1,872,413.79
    GIẢM GIÁ 71%
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    Starter Pack
    Starter Pack
    T-55A AMD1
    + 3 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • T-55A AMD1
  • 300 Upgrade Points MK1
  • 30 Days of Premium
  • Thông tin
    The first tank in the world to use active protection in its design, which allowed to obtain a high level of protection, is a deep modernization of the T-55A tank. It combines excellent armor, good mobility and a wide range of projectiles.
    ₫248,000 ₫2,480,000
    GIẢM GIÁ 90%
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    Starter Pack
    Starter Pack
    + 4 các mặt hàng trong gói
  • WZ-121
  • 1 000 Gold
  • 300 Upgrade Points MK1
  • 14 Days of Premium
  • Thông tin
    Chinese MBT, developed on the basis of the Soviet T-55. Very similar to its predecessor, the Type 59, which is equipped with a 100 mm smoothbore gun with stabilization in two axes, a new engine and infrared optics.
    ₫27,000 ₫900,000
    GIẢM GIÁ 97%
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